Our education approaches and how we work

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ECD & Caregiving: Ages 1day to 6 years

Sit-By-Me (SBM) is a project model which employs play-based instructions to promote children’s holistic development. It’s an activity workbook model that aims to both provide strong foundation for kids in their first 1000+ days of life and engage parents as primary caregivers to establish friendly learning environments:
literacy and numeracy skills by providing duties to their children and ensure children have all the school related requirements such as school uniforms, shoes, and writing materials (exercise books, counting objects, pens, pencils and bags)   With a “dual approach” that includes group sessions and targeted home visits Sit-By-Me also provides caregivers with planning and self-care strategies which promotes agency and well-being at the family and community. 
Sit-By-Me is a holistic parenting programme that can be implemented independently or integrated into health, nutrition, WASH, livelihood and other relevant deliveries.

ECD & Learning: Ages 3 years-6 years

PLANET Child Tanzania envisions play-based learning approach for children of ages 3 to 6 that supports holistic development by exposing a child directly to his/her learning environment as this is fundamentally  important for cognitive, emotional and physical development.

You have got brain

Brain-based education aims to improve and accelerate the learning process by using the science behind learning to select a curriculum and form of delivery for each group of students. When adopting this method, educators must forget established conventions.
They must also leave behind assumptions about learning and previous practices. Instead, they must look to the most recent cognitive science discoveries as inspiration for their future lesson delivery. It was once thought that intelligence is fixed and remains virtually the same through someone’s entire life. More recent discoveries reveal that physical changes take place in the brain during learning. When someone practices certain skills, they find it easier over time to carry on improving those abilities.